gvSIG Roads video: plugin to update road axes

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gvSIG Roads plugin: Updating axes of cartography

Tools of high and low axes of roads with gvSIG Roads on gvSIG Desktop.

Al ser una solución integral se dispone de un potente Sistema de Información Geográfica de escritorio para las tareas cartográficas avanzadas.

Being an integral solution, it has a powerful Geographic Information System desktop for advanced cartographic tasks.

It allows to register a new axis of roads or to retire an existing one.

Includes 3D Views.


Date: 16 Dec, 2015

Company: DISID Corporation

Tags: Plugin, gvSIG Desktop

Client: gvSIG Association

Website: http://www.gvsig.com


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Product endorsed by the gvSIG Association

Product endorsed by the gvSIG Association

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gvSIG Roads

Comprehensive maintenance management and maintenance of roads using free software with integrated mapping information.

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